How To Identify Hazard Using PEME+P

Want to identify hazards and conduct a risk assessment, remember P - E - M - E.

This acronym is pivotal in identifying hazards in the workplace. It is easier to identify hazards if you know where to look for the hazard. 

The success of every workplace health and safety management system is dependent on the ability to identify hazards.

PEME stands for People, Equipment, Materials, Environment and Process.

Lets quickly go through it. 

People: Check for hazards in the workers for the task. as questions like, do they have the necessary experience and training? are they medically and physically fit for the task? 

This will help proffer adequate administration, leadership and supervision procedures and safe practices. 

Equipment: The tools and machines people use and work near can be a form hazard. Look for unsafe or unhealthy conditions like inadequate guarding or barriers, defective tools and equipment, incorrect tools and equipment for the job,  inadequate warning systems etc.

Materials: The materials used in the task can be introduced hazard. Do well to look for hazards in the raw materials, products, and hazardous chemicals can result in explosion, fire and exposure to toxic chemicals and physical agents. 

Environment: Some hazards are created by the work environment for example condition of surfaces where people walk or where things are placed, over crowding and ventilation, lighting, temperatures and noise, housekeeping can all be environmental issues that can be a form of hazard. 


Process: This is the combination of the above listed four. It involves the flow of work and includes design, organization, pace and type of work. This combination can produce by products which can become a hazard. Example such as heat, noise, dust, vapours, fumes and scrap materials may be created by the process.

So next time you go hazard hunting, use PEME+P. 
